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Changing The Perception Of Mental Health One Person At A Time.

Let's start a global conversation to end the stigma on mental illness. It's OK to talk about it.

Our Story

The Planking For Positivity team has all been touched by mental illness in some shape or form and it is a topic that is really close to all our hearts. The thing about mental illness is that it doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t matter who you are. 


The numbers are telling. It shows that most of us have or would know someone who has been impacted by mental illness, yet many of us do not know what to do about it or how to manage it. With what is happening globally right now, all our lives have been turned upside down in a very short space of time. Some people have been more impacted than others. The health and economic impact have been significant and will most likely continue for some time even after COVID-19 is contained. As much as we might surprise ourselves in times of adversity, a little extra support never goes astray.


The concept of "Planking For Positivity" was born because we want to start an honest conversation around the issues of mental illness. We want to show the world that it is OK to talk about it and you are not alone. By opening a dialogue, we can end the stigma on mental illness and it will also encourage people to reach out and support one another. 

Our Purpose

Many of us exercise to look after our physical health but did you know it is just as important to work on your mental health too? 

  1. We want to raise awareness and end the stigma around mental illness.

  2. We want to promote and help prevent mental illness in our current and future generations by improving the mental fitness of everyone

How Are We Doing This

To kick the stigma around mental illness, we have launched the Planking For Positivity challenge to get as many people to talk about what is making them anxious and the change they will make for the better. By opening an honest dialogue on the issues of mental health, we want to show people that it is ok to talk about it. Join the challenge and be part of the movement!


Through evidence based research and in accordance with the World Health Organisation report, it shows that enhancing emotional resilience and anticipatory education is an effective strategy to prevent mental illness. Using our expertise and in partnership with mental health experts, we will deliver scalable and accessible age-appropriate digital and offline programs. The programs will be interactive and fun to encourage more people to work on their mental fitness. 


You can help us by donating. 100% of the proceeds will go into ending the stigma and preventing mental illness. Together we can make a difference. 

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